Tuesday, December 12, 2017


Genesis 1:27                                   (ESV)
“So GOD created man in HIS own image, in the image of GOD HE created him; male and female HE created them.”

John 4:24                                        (ESV)
“GOD IS SPIRIT, and those who worship HIM must worship in SPIRIT and TRUTH." 

John 10:30                                       (ESV)
“I (JESUS) and the FATHER are ONE." 

Since TRUTH is in JESUS (John 14:6), and Belief that HE is the ONLY WAY is a gift from GOD, we SHOULD BE consumed with a desire to scour scriptures and delve into knowing more about HIM?  When we wake up each morning, when we lay down at night, or anytime we have a few extra minutes we should be searching for HIS TRUTHS!  

But we are so entranced by the things of “this world” that tends to draw us into its vortex that we usually don’t recognize until we are so far gone that it consumes us.  The enemy is a spirit also, but he decorates himself with such temporal, earthly beauty that even devout Followers can be deceived.  That is why it is imperative that we KEEP OUR EYES ON THE THINGS OF GOD and do the things that are RIGHT IN HIS EYES (Exodus 15:26), we will not have a lot of the struggles that others have.  

Remember though, in John 16:33 JESUS HIMSELF said that in “this world” you WILL HAVE TROUBLE, but HE has overcome the world!  There is HOPE for Believers in JESUS, and that HOPE is that HE lives inside of me and I will reign with HIM eternally!  GOD THE FATHER, JESUS HIS SON AND THEIR HOLY SPIRIT live within this temple known as my body.   I don’t deserve that, but I’m so blessed HE does!!!

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