Saturday, December 9, 2017


Acts 9:7-9                                       (ESV)
“7 The men who were traveling with him stood speechless, hearing “THE VOICE” but seeing no one.
8 Saul rose from the ground, and although his eyes were opened, HE SAW NOTHING. So they led him by the hand and brought him into Damascus.
9 And for three days he was without sight, and NEITHER ATE NOR DRANK.”

Saul, as indicated in Acts 13:9, was also known as Paul and was INTENT on persecuting people (Acts 9:1-2) of THE WAY, including killing those who refused to see things his way.  Stephen (Acts 7:54-60) was stoned to death and Saul watched the garments of the people stoning him!  But in Acts 9 Saul had his actions interrupted by Divine Intervention and he dealt with it in a way that most of us have to be forced into!  He NEITHER ATE NOR DRANK for three days until GOD spoke to him through Ananias.  

Do we ever spend time alone with GOD, the Creator of the universes, to download our marching orders for our lives?  Saul/Paul was on his way to continue his plan for his life, but GOD had to put everything on PAUSE in his life for three days.  During this time I can only imagine what was going through his mind.  He couldn’t see and evidently didn’t want to eat.   Maybe he had time to ponder “THE VOICE” that spoke to him on the road to Damascus.  

Do you reckon he actually Believed that JESUS had spoken to him, even though his companions could hear “THE VOICE”, but couldn’t SEE anyone around him?   When ALMIGHTY GOD wants to get our attention, HE doesn’t have to duplicate HIS actions of the past.  HE is able to do whatever HE needs to draw honor and Glory to HIS NAME no matter the circumstance.  Even if that means using “THE VOICE” to deliver a Divine Message to a tool HE will use for HIS Glory in the future.  

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