Tuesday, February 6, 2018


Matthew 16:24-27                        (ESV)
“24 Then JESUS told HIS disciples, "If anyone would come after ME, let him “DENY HIMSELF” and take up his cross and follow ME.
25 For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for MY sake will find it.
26 For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? OR WHAT SHALL A MAN GIVE IN RETURN FOR HIS SOUL?
27 For the SON of MAN is going to come with HIS angels in the glory of his FATHER, and then HE will repay each person according to what he has done.”

It is amazing how many people are seemingly consumed with trying to improve their looks, health, wealth, social status, or any other physical thing you care to insert here, but they appear to neglect the things of the Spirit, which will last for eternity!  Both men and women are guilty, for the enemy seeks whom he may devour to steal, kill, and destroy!  We can’t be beautiful enough, healthy enough, rich enough, live long enough, or exercise enough to earn our way into Heaven!  

So why do we put so much emphasis on the physical well being and so little attention is spent on our Spiritual health?  There are those who wouldn’t dare miss a week of going to the Gym, but you never see them in GOD’s House?  Now I am probably as guilty as anyone about not being as physically fit as I should be, but I cannot neglect spending time in HIS Word, listening to HIS instructions for my life.  My Spiritual hunger pains require me to take “manna” at least daily, and frequently more often than that.  I’m just not Spiritually strong enough to get by with any less!  

Many try to cover their age wrinkles and evidence of the life they have lived with tanning beds, make-up, medication, and any other number of products designed to keep a youthful appearance.  There is an eight inch scar on my chest from open heart surgery last year.  More than likely, it will always be there, until I decay in the grave.   My heart is repaired, but the evidence of the reparations will remain.   The scars of sin are similar.  The sins can be forgiven, but the scars will remain.  

Watching my 34 year old sister enter Heaven was extremely hard for me, especially when I was only at the age of 36.  Watching a friend enter Heaven around the age of 10 was equally difficult.   No person can say they are going to live a long time with any confidence.  Yet we all say what we are going to do when we get old?  As another of my birthdays is approximately 6 months away, my mortality is more real to me than ever before.  My prayer is that my Spiritual body is fit for the Kingdom, for I will “DENY HIMSELF” leave this physical body behind!!!

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