Thursday, February 8, 2018


John 14:6                                       (ESV)
“JESUS said to him, "I am the way, and “THE TRUTH”, and the life. No one comes to the FATHER except through ME.”

It seems that there are people who don’t know that they can research something for themselves?  Some go to a social media account and ask a question that others respond to with no regard to whether or not their answer is true or not!  This can be extremely dangerous, depending on the magnitude of the question at hand.  

Now no one knows “THE TRUTH” about everything.   But we can have the resources to be in the know!  JESUS CHRIST says in John 14:6 “I am the way, AND “THE TRUTH”, and the life!  No one comes to the FATHER except through ME”!  When an answer is provided by the SON of GOD, you can rest assured that it is “THE TRUTH”!

But just like people who are looking for answers from an “easier” source, many people are trying to find answers that satisfy what THEY WANT “THE TRUTH” to be.   Many of us desire to live a “good life”, but we don’t want to be accused of being a “holy roller”!  If we live our lives “by the BOOK”, we are probably going to be labeled as a religious nut who is “all mixed-up”!  

That is why JESUS said in Matthew 10:22 “you will be hated for MY Name’s sake”!  HE knew we would have to DENY OURSELVES DAILY (Luke 9:23-24) in order to serve HIM!  Asking JESUS is a lot better than an internet search engine!  And HE is always waiting to hear from us. We just have to humble ourselves and seek “THE TRUTH” and HE will guide us down the path HE would have us go!!!

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