Wednesday, February 28, 2018


John 14:25-27                              (ESV)
“25 "These things I have spoken to you while I am still with you.
26 But the HELPER, the HOLY SPIRIT, WHOM the FATHER will send in MY NAME, HE will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.
27 Peace I leave with you; “MY PEACE I GIVE TO YOU”. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.”

When GOD came to earth in the form of JESUS, HE didn’t just leave us on our own to face the enemy, and our future!  GOD created us and HE knows, even better than we do, what our abilities and limitations are.  Because HIS Plan is to save me, AND to use me for HIS Glory, HE knows I will need assistance to live accordingly.  

“MY PEACE I GIVE TO YOU” is not an accident, nor a fix for a design flaw.  JESUS gives PEACE, but the HOLY SPIRIT empowers us to do HIS Work!   We must TRUST in HIM and accept HIS PEACE before HE will empower us with HIS HOLY SPIRIT.  From time to time, GOD has to put us through some difficulties to open our eyes to be able to observe HIS Power!  We try to rationalize and explain HIS Handiwork as chance or coincidence, but every now and again we are mandated to give GOD HIS credit.  

Our personal experiences are the most credible (at least for me!) and we can’t minimize the impact they make in our lives.  Peter and John said in Acts 4:20 “for we cannot BUT speak of what we have seen and heard."  The danger of seeing many instances of Divine Intervention is that we may become almost “blasé” with the grandeur of HIS Presence?  

To understand that “MY PEACE I GIVE TO YOU” is a gift that none of us deserve is something that I can not ignore.  While it is true that ALMIGHTY GOD has brought me through the storms more times than I can count, I can’t be guilty of NOT praising HIS Name for HIS goodness and mercy.  HE has given me A LOT of blessings, but “MY PEACE I GIVE TO YOU” is one of the best!!!

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