Monday, February 5, 2018


2 Timothy 1:8-10                                        (ESV)
“8 Therefore DO NOT BE ASHAMED of the testimony about our LORD, nor of me HIS  prisoner, but “SHARE IN SUFFERING” for the gospel by the power of GOD,
9 WHO saved us and called us to a Holy calling, not because of our works but because of HIS OWN PURPOSE AND GRACE, which HE gave us in CHRIST JESUS before the ages began,
10 and which now has been manifested through the appearing of our SAVIOR CHRIST JESUS, who abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel,”

Going through difficult and frustrating experiences can teach us far more than we care to admit.  Usually I just want to be through the “learning experience” QUICKLY and reflect on the lessons from the other side, hopefully where I am in less distress!  

But WHY do I have to go through some of the things I have experienced?  WHY was I raised in a single parent family?  WHY haven’t I been a more successful business man?  Why wasn’t I a more committed Believer when my children were growing up to exemplify GOD’s faithfulness for all to see?  WHY did I have to go through the Brain Hemorrhage.  WHY the heart surgery?  

When GOD brings us through “valleys of the shadow of death”, does HE do it for our glory?  Hardly!  ALMIGHTY GOD doesn’t glorify humans to help our reputations or bank accounts.  Exodus 14:4 says “......And I will harden Pharaoh's heart, and he will pursue them, and I WILL GET GLORY over Pharaoh and all his host,....”!  GOD didn’t bring the Israelites into the Promised Land so Moses or Joshua could be remembered as great leaders.  GOD “delivered” the children of Israel so HE would GET GLORY “over Pharaoh and all his host,....”.  

The deliverance GOD brings us isn’t so we can glory in the escape from captivity either.  We should be willing to “SHARE IN SUFFERING” in order to be used by HIM.  But how many times do we see people “SUFFERING” and our desire is to DELIVER them, instead of letting GOD be GOD?  I understand we are called to feed the poor and help the widows and orphans, but when we start trying to “help” without HIS Leadership, we are outside of what we are called to do!  

1 Corinthians 7:17 tells us to “lead the life GOD has assigned” to us.  If GOD has assigned me to SUFFER for HIS Kingdom, who am I to question that?  However, becoming willing to “SHARE IN SUFFERING” is not for the “weak in Spirit”!  Making sure that it is ALMIGHTY GOD leading you is of paramount importance.  Only HE can cause you to “SHARE IN SUFFERING” with a smile on your face and a song in your heart!!!

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