Friday, February 2, 2018


Psalms 146:8                                (ESV)
“THE LORD” opens the eyes of the blind. “THE LORD” lifts up those who are bowed down; “THE LORD” loves the righteous.”

This morning my thoughts were as far away from the things of GOD as they could be.   It seems that I couldn’t “find” exactly where GOD was directing me to study.   Going to one of five Bible apps on my phone, this Bible verse was where I had left from recently.   Upon reading it, I knew I was where I needed to be!

Having our EYES opened by “THE LORD” is a must for people who desire to follow HIS Leadership.   Keep in mind, if our EYES  closed SEE everything going on around us, we probably would be scared to death!  In 2 Kings 6, Elisha prayed that “THE LORD” would open the EYES of a servant and allow him to SEE the armies of “THE LORD” encamped around them. GOD granted Elisha’s request and the servant saw “...the mountain was full of horses and chariots of Fire all around Elisha”!  GOD doesn’t lead us into battle to go it alone!  HE has always prepared the WAY for us!  

This scripture was used in a mid-week Bible Study at our fellowship recently.   My EYES were only opened to what “THE LORD” was trying to say to me this morning.  It’s no coincidence that I had to WAIT to hear from “THE LORD”regarding what HE wanted me to hear!  HE has been teaching me to WAIT on HIM for years.  HE may have a needed to get me to a quieter, more solitude setting before HE could open my EYES?  Whatever the case, I couldn’t SEE the lesson I needed to apply to my life until “THE LORD” said I was ready to SEE it!  

“THE LORD” lifts up those who are bowed down;” isn’t anything new!  James 4:6 says in part “...."GOD opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble."”  HE constantly reminds me of how quickly HE changed how I SAW things on July 09, 2007!  It humbles me greatly that GOD restored my physical health completely and is still using me to Glorify HIM!

“THE LORD” loves the righteous” is a phrase that can be conflicting?  Romans 3:10 says THERE IS NONE RIGHTEOUS, yet we try to live as though we are not sinners?!?  The only HOPE any of us have is to claim the blood of JESUS and accept HIS Grace in our lives!  “THE LORD” then SEES only HIS righteousness when we are observed.  That is why “THE LORD” is not only the title of this devotional, it should be the title of my life!!!

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