Wednesday, February 14, 2018


1 Thessalonians 1:2-4                                (ESV)
“2 We give thanks to GOD always for all of you, constantly mentioning you in our prayers,
3 remembering before our GOD and FATHER your work of FAITH and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our LORD JESUS CHRIST.
4 For we know, brothers loved by GOD, that “HE HAS CHOSEN YOU,”

The conversation about why ALMIGHTY GOD ELECTS those who HE CHOOSES is one that has been ongoing since Cain and Abel.  Now I am certainly not an authority on Bible “Language”, but the comparative website I use to see what all versions says about a verse says ALL versions either use the word CHOSEN or use the word ELECT when translating verse four of 1 Thessalonians chapter one.  The KJV last phrase of verse four is “your ELECTION of GOD.”  When we ELECT someone, don’t we CHOOSE them over someone else???

Why then does GOD ALMIGHTY “CHOOSE” one group of sinners over another group of sinners?  Abraham and GOD were friends (James 2:23) because of Abraham’s FAITH IN GOD.  GOD sELECTED Abraham because of his FAITH, and GOD chooses us because HE knows who will demonstrate a BELIEF IN HIM that will Glorify HIS NAME! There is NO DOUBT in my mind that GOD exists, and that has ALWAYS existed, and will forevermore exist!  So why is that belief present in my life and is “foreign” to those who do not believe in GOD?  Why can’t they see what I can SEE?  

Just as GOD CHOOSES to ELECT some, HE also CHOOSES to “open their eyes” (Luke 24:31) of HIS followers to HIS TRUTHS!  A breaking news flash, mankind was not created for our own edification!  We were created to Glorify a HOLY and RIGHTEOUS GOD!  If that isn’t your cup of tea, you probably won’t be happy in Heaven for eternity as Revelation 4:8 says in part “........and day and night they never cease to say, "Holy, Holy, Holy, is the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, Who was and is and is to come!"  

While it is true, “HE HAS CHOSEN YOU”, HE has CHOSEN us to ELEVATE HIS NAME!  Isaiah 43:7 states “everyone who is called by MY name, whom I created for MY glory, whom I formed and made."  So when I think I am being treated “unfairly”, or things are going a little bit tough, or my worst scenario of being told to WAIT and NOT DO ANYTHING, I need to be reminded that “HE HAS CHOSEN YOU” to Glorify HIM and I must yield to that cause!  

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