Tuesday, February 20, 2018


Ephesians 2:4-5                                         (NASB)
“BUT GOD, being rich in mercy, because of “HIS GREAT LOVE“ with which HE loved us, even when we were dead in our transgressions, made us alive together with CHRIST (by grace you have been saved),....”

As Believers, we are called to “love our enemies” (Matthew 5:44)!  Our enemies, on the other hand, naturally think it proper to say we have a “mental disease”, especially when we are “led by the Holy Spirit” (1 Corinthians2:14)!  GOD doesn’t need my help in being GOD, no matter how much I want to assist.  

Romans 12:20 says we can “heap burning coals upon his head” of our enemies when we care for them!!  If GOD had intended for me individually to assist in this endeavor, I would assume HE would have given me instructions on how best to accomplish that?  No, GOD wants me to be obedient in other ways. HE wants me to display “HIS GREAT LOVE” and let HIM take care of the punishment phase.  

HE didn’t CHOOSE me before the foundations of the earth for me just to live for HIM when it is convenient for me.  I am CHOSEN to reflect HIS LIGHT into a dark world, for HIS GLORY to be seen by those who haven’t been exposed to “HIS GREAT LOVE”!  The privilege of being CHOSEN, yes to be mocked and criticized by “this world”, is more than amazing to me.  Why would HE ‘elect’ to have me display “HIS GREAT LOVE” instead of a dispensary for retribution and justice?  Maybe it is because I am are not a HOLY, PERFECT GOD.  I’m just as humble servant of HIS.  Whatever HE desires for me to do, HE will enable me to do just that, FOR HIS GLORY!

‘This world’ can see me as foolish, deranged, mentally ill, or the word I prefer “touched”, and that’s okay with me!  Because of “HIS GREAT LOVE” I am far beyond what ‘this world’ can fathom, and that excites me.  Because ‘this world’ can’t explain my behavior, I am commanded to display “HIS GREAT LOVE” to allow ALMIGHTY GOD to draw them unto HIM.  HE doesn’t need my help, but HIS Plan calls us to reflect “HIS GREAT LOVE”, just as JESUS CHRIST did for us on Calvary!!!

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