Monday, May 14, 2018


James 1:22-25                              (ESV)
“22 But be “DOERS OF THE WORD”, and NOT HEARERS ONLY, deceiving yourselves.
23 For if anyone is a HEARER of the word and not a DOER, he is like a man who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror.
24 For he looks at himself and goes away and at once forgets what he was like.
25 But the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no HEARER who forgets but A DOER WHO ACTS, HE WILL BE BLESSED in his DOING.”

Pontius Pilate was the person many blame for the crucifixion of JESUS.  As a child I had bad thoughts about Pontius Pilate because I believed what a movie had portrayed him as.  But as I matured I quickly came to the realization that Pilate was a weak vessel who the Jews (John 19) convinced to crucify JESUS.  But what the JEWS meant for evil, GOD MEANT FOR GOOD (Genesis 50:24) so that “many people could be kept alive”!!!

Physically HEARING the WORD does nothing for the SOUL of man.  Being changed SPIRITUALLY by THE WORD to become “DOERS OF THE WORD” allows us to become Children of ALMIGHTY GOD!  Until ALMIGHTY GOD changes our hearts, we will be like the Jews that crucified JESUS, following tradition and rules into death and destruction!  

Being a “DOER OF THE WORD” is what we should strive to become.  Too often some people HEAR THE WORD and continue living their lives as if nothing has changed!  Being ‘exposed’ to THE WORD is vastly different than being ‘transposed’ by THE WORD.  When a person becomes a “DOER OF THE WORD”, then HE WILL BE BLESSED in his DOINGS!!!

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