Friday, May 11, 2018


Hebrews 9:27-28                         (ESV)
“27 And just as it is appointed “FOR MAN TO DIE” once, and after that comes judgment,
28 so CHRIST, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to deal with sin but to save those who are eagerly waiting for HIM.”

Evidently Sunday is Mother’s Day.   My mother exited this world on February 27, 2008.   She was 77 years and 7 months old.   When the doctor told us she had Breast Cancer on February 05, 2008, she looked at me with a steely look and said, “you ain’t putting a drop of that poison in my body”!  

Mom knew where she was going, and evidently was READY to be there!  Seeing a lot of people saying they wish they could visit with their mom causes me to think about the possibility of visiting my mom, maybe for about a half of a second!!!  She wouldn’t leave Heaven, not even for her grandchildren, whom she loved more than life itself!  And I wouldn’t DARE ask her to come back to the sinful world, not even to save me from death or disability.   She is experiencing her eternal reward and I am extremely happy for her.  

Here is a newsflash for everybody, unless we are raptured, we ALL are going to die!  “FOR MAN TO DIE” is part of the Masterplan to get us to our eternal reward.  Some are fearful of death because of the unknown, but for those of if who are being led by our SHEPHERD, HE’s gone before us to prepare the Way!  What do we have to fear???

The enemy tries to deceive us into thinking we know what is best for ourselves, including our future.  Nothing has changed since Genesis 3.  JESUS said in John 8:44 “.....he is a liar, and the father of lies”!!!!  You should prepare, “FOR MAN TO DIE” PHYSICALLY is more than a rumor!  However, thanks to the sacrifice paid by JESUS, we don’t have to die Spiritually!  

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