Thursday, May 3, 2018


Isaiah 46:9-10                              (ESV)
“9 remember the former things of old; for I AM GOD God, and THERE IS NO OTHER; I AM GOD, and “THERE IS NONE LIKE ME”, 
10 declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things not yet done, saying, 'MY counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all MY purpose.”

Over the past few weeks ALMIGHTY GOD has been repeatedly dealing with me about HIM being in Control, that NOTHING happens by chance or coincidence.   It seems every Scripture I come across is about a Sovereign GOD is the ONE WHO directs events throughout our lives for HIS Glory.  How can HE cause me to write a letter in support of a physician being approved to come to the city I reside in, and five years later that same physician is used to save my life?!?  

Last evening I was trying to eat supper, carrying my plate, drink cup, cellphone and water container to my “easy-chair”. All at the same time I was texting a brother on the east coast of the United States.  Knowing he was experiencing some difficulties in his life, I said a quick prayer for the LORD to give me something encouraging and uplifting to say to him.  Well, nowadays these ”smartphones” do somethings I can’t explain.  When I got to my easy-chair, the predictive text had already placed in the “send” box the words “Tomorrow   lord”.  But when I saw the next three available words, I had to pause!  They read “god-knows-needs”!

Immediately I wanted to write this off to having my hands full and “happenstance”. There were so many variables that figured into these words being on my phone at just the right time.  But just as quickly as I tried to blame it on chance, I realized that GOD IS IN CONTROL and HE might have directed my fingers to put those words into my phone?  Whether or not my friend was ”in need”, I have no idea.  But seeing this “message” was definitely Divine Intervention as far as I’m concerned.  This s is what FAITH is all about!!!

Our church is currently doing a study entitled “BEHOLD YOUR GOD”.  It is helping me to identify GOD when HE speaks to me.  HE longs for our PRAISE and HONOR, and too many times we want to say that “chance” or “circumstance” is responsible for things happening in our lives.  “THERE IS NONE LIKE ME” caused me to hurriedly write a letter in 2002 to get a doctor to my city.  “THERE IS NONE LIKE ME” caused that very doctor to be there for me in 2007!  “THERE IS NONE LIKE ME” caused those words to be on my cellphone last evening and I will PRAISE HIM for recognizing HIS HANDIWORK in front of my face!!!

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