Wednesday, May 30, 2018


2 Corinthians 13:5-6                                  (ESV)
“5 “EXAMINE YOURSELVES”, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that JESUS CHRIST is in you?-unless indeed you fail to meet the test!
6 I hope you will find out that WE have not failed the test.”

How many times do we schedule an appointment at a doctors office and expect the doctor to perform a examination that is uncaring about a diagnosis of what is wrong with us?  Most of the time we want to find out what is causing our symptoms, and we expect the doctor to do whatever they can to find why OUR BODIES aren’t doing what we believe they should be doing.  But, with very few exceptions, these BODIES are built to last MAYBE 100 years and then they expire.  

It is rather obvious that MOST people prefer to examine others actions with a magnifying glass, while their own actions are observed with a telescope, if at all!  There is something about the human “nature” (natural man) that doesn’t want to discuss its own mortality and weaknesses, but we will discuss others imperfections AT LENGTH, whether SPIRITUAL or physical.  

The most glaring example of this in my life is my weight.  Being “BIG RAY” has become part of who I am.  I even own a vanity license plate that is “BIG RAY”!  Being 6’6” tall, it is real easy to say I’m just big boned.  But the “extra baggage” that I carry can’t be a testimony to anything Holy in my life?  I must “EXAMINE YOURSELVES” and make changes to improve my health, and therefore my life!  My body will NOT live forever, (Hebrews 9:27) and I look forward to a Heavenly body one day, but I must do a better job of caring for this TEMPLE the LORD has entrusted me with until then.

Unlike our earthly bodies, our SPIRITS will live for eternity!  Where our SPIRIT will spend eternity is something we must “EXAMINE YOURSELVES” and determine.  Either we will live forever WITH JESUS in Heaven, or live in ETERNAL TORMENT in hell. You can’t do anything about someone else’s body not being taken care of, and you certainly can’t do anything about someone else’s SPIRIT not being taken care of.  Scripture instructs us to “EXAMINE YOURSELVES”, not examine everyone else, because we don’t have the power to help them, only ourselves!!!!

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