Wednesday, May 9, 2018


Psalms 23:1                                   (ESV)
“The LORD is my shepherd; “I SHALL NOT” want.”

A lot of times the passage above is used in an eulogy being delivered at a wake or funeral.  Because Scripture often speaks of mankind as being sheep, I have been studying about how sheep are best cared for.   To SEE why we are referred to as sheep isn’t surprising at all, as humans and sheep are very similar!   

One website points out that “A thorough understanding of sheep behavior is the first step towards developing an effective method of handling sheep”.  Since ALMIGHTY GOD is our Creator, WHO better to lead us?  HE knows all pitfalls and obstacles in our way, but sometimes we are moving too quickly to wait for HIM?  Or maybe we think that going a different route is better than following HIS direction in our lives and we get off the path HE has prepared for us?  

The same website indicates that sheep do better when they are “led” rather than being “herded”.  Being “led” indicates that our SHEPHERD has already been where HE is leading us, so the path has already been declared a “safe zone”.  Knowing that the CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSES has ordained our steps SHOULD give us confidence that we are being used to Glorify HIM?  After all, isn’t that what we are here for???

Remembering when I was a child, I had to be shown how to do work I was assigned, and sometimes repeatedly, for my mind would begin to wander and my actions would more than likely follow.  Now that I am older, do I perform any better?  Does my mind wander as often, and when it does do I recognize the enemy and declare “I SHALL NOT” ignore my LORD?  One who is maturing IN CHRIST should not continue making the same wrong turns!  SHALL  NOT” be blinded by the enemy’s tactics, but will follow the path where HE IS LEADING!!!

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