Monday, May 21, 2018


Mark 11:22                                     (ESV)
“And JESUS answered them, "HAVE FAITH IN GOD.”

It has been said by many (probably most) parents, “...because I said so”!!!  When we say these words to our children, we probably just don’t want to be bothered with explaining to our children why they have to do what they have been told.   ALMIGHTY GOD is SOVEREIGN and we shouldn’t expect an explanation as to why HE acts, or is going to act, however HE chooses.  But we are made “in HIS image”, which might explain why some think they are god!!!

ALMIGHTY GOD, on the other hand, knows that we “can’t handle the TRUTH” at times and we need to “HAVE FAITH IN GOD” to lead us on our journey.  There are times where we try to “do what is best” IN OUR OWN MINDS usually leading us directly INTO A STORM!  

When the Children of Israel left Egypt following 430 years of captivity, GOD did not lead them through the quickest and shortest route to the Promised Land.  Instead HE led them on a 40 year pilgrimage through the desert, the Red Sea, and difficulties beyond imagination SO HE COULD BE GLORIFIED!  Regardless of what prosperity preachers want you to believe, life is not about humans having an easy life.  History reflects that all but one of the disciples of JESUS died a martyrs death!  As we have moved through history, many have been brutally tortured and eventually put to death all because “this world” still wants to “snuff out” the Gospel!

It is easy to say that we believe in GOD.   James 2:19 says “You believe that GOD is ONE; you do well. EVEN THE DEMONS BELIEVE-AND SHUDDER!”  But to “HAVE FAITH IN GOD” when the guillotine is falling on your neck, not that GOD will stop the guillotine, but that HE will be Glorified, is what we are commanded to do.  The same GOD that allowed the Israelites to be held captive for 430 years is the GOD WHO got Glory over Pharaoh and all his hosts in Exodus 14:4!  “HAVE FAITH IN GOD” and trust HIM with the results!!!!

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