Thursday, May 10, 2018


Genesis 2:15-17                                         (ESV)
“15 The LORD GOD took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it.
16 And the LORD GOD commanded the man, saying, "You may surely eat of every tree of the garden,
17 but of the tree of the “KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL” you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it YOU SHALL SURELY DIE.”  

A few years back there was a saying that became popular among the younger generation.  “TMI”, or TOO MUCH INFORMATION, was a way of saying that you were privy to something that you might have been better off not knowing!  

When ALMIGHTY GOD Created man, HE placed him in the Garden of Eden to “work it and keep it”.  The only “commandment” that GOD gave Adam was to NOT eat “of the tree of the “KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL”, for if he did, YOU SHALL SURELY DIE!  Despite what man has “dreamed up”, the forbidden fruit wasn’t an apple, it was CHOOSING to know right from wrong.  When Adam and Eve were deceived by “the enemy”, they immediately saw they had violated GOD’s Word and were ashamed!  Until then, Genesis 2:25 says “....they were not ashamed”.  

CHOOSING to be able to SEE the difference between RIGHT and WRONG carries a HUGE responsibility.  When we have the “KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL” we are allowed to experience the rewards of GOOD choices, and the consequences of EVIL choices.  Of course, you can say that Adam and Eve had a CHOICE, but we inherited certain “traits” from our ancestors, and SIN is a “trait” that we ALL have passed on to us!  We ALL have sinned (Romans 3:23), and so our choice has been made time and again to be god of our own lives.  

John 4:24 begins with “GOD IS SPIRIT.....”.  Genesis 1:27 says “So GOD created man in HIS OWN image......”.  Genesis 2:27 says “but of the tree of the “KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL” you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it YOU SHALL SURELY DIE.”  Adam and Eve didn’t die physically when their eyes saw the “KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL”, but they did die SPIRITUALLY as they had disobeyed their CREATOR.  

Just like Adam and Eve, we ALL choose to violate GOD’s Holiness.  IT’S IN OUR NATURE!!!  But JESUS didn’t have the bloodline of Adam in HIM, for HE was conceived of the HOLY SPIRIT (Matthew 1:18; 20), so HE didn’t inherit the same traits  that we inherited.  JESUS offers ALL of us the opportunity to overcome the bad choices we ALL make.  TOO MUCH INFORMATION and the “KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL” was OVERCOME by nothing other than GRACE from GOD above through JESUS, our LORD and SAVIOR!!!

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