Saturday, December 15, 2018


1 Corinthians 13:1-3                    (ESV)
“1 If I speak in THE TONGUES of MEN and of ANGELS, but “HAVE NOT LOVE”, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.
2 And if I have PROPHETIC POWERS, and understand ALL MYSTERIES and ALL KNOWLEDGE, and if I HAVE ALL FAITH, so as to remove mountains, but “HAVE NOT LOVE”, I am nothing.
3 If I GIVE AWAY ALL I HAVE, and if I deliver up my BODY TO BE BURNED, but “HAVE NOT LOVE”, I gain nothing.”

The Apostle Paul is known for his eloquent, yet plainly spoken words, edifying the Body of CHRIST and instructing Believers to live a more Godly life.  Please note that these words were, and still are, hard to swallow, especially for the ones who aren’t of THE SPIRIT.  As a matter of fact, in 1 Corinthians 2:14 the same Apostle Paul writes “The natural person does not accept the things of THE SPIRIT of GOD, for they are folly to him, and HE IS NOT ABLE TO UNDERSTAND THEM because they are Spiritually discerned.”  Being a Believer is not something that we should Glory in, rather we should be humbled that we have been CHOSEN!

There are many who believe that they are going to enter Heaven based on the “good works” they have done.  In the Scripture above, Paul points out that a person can “..GIVE AWAY ALL I HAVE, and if I deliver up my BODY TO BE BURNED...”, and “HAVE NOT LOVE”, he gains NOTHING!  So we can help all we are exposed to with finances until we are dead broke.  We can save all the lives that we SEE on our journey.  We can claim to “...understand ALL MYSTERIES and ALL KNOWLEDGE, and if I HAVE ALL FAITH, so as to remove mountains...” and “HAVE NOT LOVE” and it all go for naught!  

My heart rejoices when the less fortunate, the needy of society, are helped out of a ditch they may find themselves in.  However, there will ALWAYS be those in need in our midst, according to JESUS in Matthew 26:11.  The only NEED that can cure the problems of this world is the LOVE of JESUS, WHO IS LOVE!  (1 John 4:8; John 10:30).  When we “HAVE NOT LOVE”, we could be proclaiming that we have a better Plan than JESUS, and we all know that is not possible!  HE is our CREATOR and Sustainer!

FATHER IN HEAVEN, cause me to display the LOVE OF CHRIST through my life for a lost world to observe.  Though I do things to assist fellow sojourners through our existence on earth, may I reflect JESUS most of all.  May I never be guilty of acting as though I “HAVE NOT LOVE”, but exude JESUS in everything that I am!!!

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