Saturday, December 29, 2018


Psalms 119:17-19                                   (ESV)
“17 Deal bountifully with YOUR servant, that I may live and keep YOUR WORD. 
18 “OPEN MY EYES”, that I may behold wondrous things out of YOUR law. 
19 I am a sojourner on the earth; hide not YOUR commandments from me!”

There are many people who cannot SEE TRUTH simply because their EYES haven’t been opened!  SEEing TRUTH is a peculiar thing, for if someone really SEE’s TRUTH, then they also SEE the consequences of their choices.  Hopefully, SEEing the consequences will deter them from doing things that displease ALMIGHTY GOD.  

The Psalmist writes above asking GOD to “”OPEN MY EYES”, that I may behold wondrous things out of YOUR law”.  The closer we get to GOD, the more dirt we SEE in our lives that needs to be cleaned.  GOD’s LAW, HIS written WORD, will transform a life, if applied with humility.  A proud heart will not be able to SEE all of YOUR commandments, as they will not be able to SEE them from the angle they are looking from.  Moving to where we can SEE HIS WONDROUS THINGS is an act that HE will perform, only when HE SEES we are ready.  

My prayer is that GOD will “OPEN MY EYES” to know when I am doing HIS will, but also when I am walking contrary to HIS WAYS, humbly adjusting my walk to reflect HIS WILL.  When HE “OPENS MY EYES”, my journey will become one that Glorifies HIM.  Oh GOD, cause me to honor YOUR NAME and SEE what YOU “OPEN MY EYES” to behold!

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