Wednesday, February 20, 2019


2 Chronicles 7:14                            (ESV)
“If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”

Around seven years ago I began my daily writings in an effort to improve my “word recall”.  Following the Brain Hemorrhage of 2007, the two things that were slow to return to “normal” were my core body temperature (currently 97.2 degrees) and my ability to quickly respond in a conversation, especially when I feel intimidated.  The body temperature isn’t going on change again, and I’m not sure I know the Spiritual lesson behind that yet.  The “word recall” has slightly improved, but I am nowhere near as “quick-tongued” as before.  Lately it has become evident that ALMIGHTY GOD had to slow me down and HE made certain that I could not fix what HE had ordained.  Now I have to almost ponder what I am trying to say before blurting it out.  

When I began my writings, I wrote for six or seven days about 2 Chronicles 7:14.  There are FIVE conditions that we must meet to experience the THREE blessings that GOD promised.  HIS PEOPLE must be called by HIS NAME and HUMBLE THEMSELVES and PRAY and SEEK HIS FACE and finally TURN FROM OUR WICKED WAYS!  We can rant and rave about what “this world” is doing, but GOD starts by plainly saying IF MY PEOPLE!!  We can unleash GOD on a lost and dying world; but we apparently we are content with whining about how vile and corrupt unbelievers are acting???

When we do what HE calls us to do, GOD says HE will HEAR US, FORGIVE US, and HEAL OUR LAND!!!  Notice that GOD doesn’t say that HE might HEAR, FORGIVE and HEAL!  GOD says HE WILL HEAR, FORGIVE and HEAL our land!  Obviously we SO-CALLED Believers don’t trust GOD will do what HE says HE WILL DO!  If we truly Believed HIM, why wouldn’t we do our part to allow HIM TO “HEAL OUR LAND“???

Forgetting I experienced a Brain Hemorrhage isn’t easy to do since I’m always cold and my speech is slower.   Forgetting the Promises of ALMIGHTY GOD should be just as difficult.  GOD can “HEAL OUR LAND”, but we have to surrender to our FIVE requirements.  DO WE BELIEVE HIM???  DO WE WANT HIM TO “HEAL OUR LAND”???

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