Tuesday, February 12, 2019


Psalms 119:104-107                                 (ESV)
“104 Through YOUR precepts I get understanding; therefore I hate every false way. 
105 “YOUR WORD” is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. 
106 I have sworn an oath and confirmed it, to keep YOUR righteous rules. 
107 I am severely afflicted; give me life, O LORD, according to “YOUR WORD”!”

Observing an advertisement on a social media site recently, I observed several actors who supposedly experienced some degree of “slouching shoulders” from sitting at a desk for long periods of time.  Maybe we should buy their brace rather than change the way we sit at our desks??  Or just maybe we can change the angle of our desktops, therefore eliminating our downward pull on our sight line???

When I saw this I was caused to think, why we look for answers outside of GOD’s WORD instead of doing what HIS instruction manual calls for us to do?  Our CREATOR has given us a BOOK of Love and HOLY direction and we basically ignore it, especially when we are faced with trying times!  My pastor recently spoke about a book he was leading a study through with a group of young men.  “NOT GOD ENOUGH” by J.D. Greear suggests (and rightfully so!) that we don’t appreciate ALMIGHTY GOD for WHO HE really is.  We tend to act as though GOD is a little higher being than man, when in fact, GOD IS so much more than we can imagine that we have to give up on our adjectives because there are NONE sufficient to describe HIM.  

The HOLY BIBLE is GOD’s LOVE LETTER to humanity.   Why don’t we cherish the instructions contained within it rather than attempt to “find a loophole” around it’s precepts?  “YOUR WORD” gives us life, yet we refuse to live according to the guidelines laid out within it.  Amazement floods my mind as I am left wondering “what have I been thinking” when I look back over my past!  GOD ALMIGHTY gave me a LIVING, BREATHING PLAN, and I prefer to figure it out on my own???

“YOUR WORD” is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path, but it is of NO USE to me if I leave it closed from Sunday until next Sunday!  That is like wondering in the wilderness all week and having no clue why I am not progressing through the trials of life!  “YOUR WORD” has the answers!  When will I TRUST in what “YOUR WORD” instructs me to do with my life???

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