Wednesday, February 13, 2019


Exodus 14:13-14                    (ESV)
“13 And Moses said to the people, "FEAR NOT, stand firm, and see the salvation of the LORD, which he will work for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall never see again.
14 “THE LORD WILL FIGHT FOR YOU”, and you have only to be silent."”

For me, one of the most frequently used verses in Scripture is Exodus 14:14.  The focus from that verse has always been “ have only to be silent!”  Many who knew me before July 09, 2007 may tell that being silent was not something that I was greatly experienced in!  Letting my opinion be made known was a trait that I almost wore out, for I was convinced that I was “right” and that people with opposing views were not!  

Finally, yesterday while driving and pondering a book I am reading named “NOT GOD ENOUGH” by J.D. Greear, it finally occurred to me that Exodus 14:14 was telling us that ALMIGHTY GOD, WHO holds the Universes in HIS hand (Isaiah 40), the majestic CREATOR of everything that is (Colossians 1:17), was going to fight the battle for the Israelites, HE just needed them to quit whining and watch HIS handiwork!!!

When Scripture says “THE LORD WILL FIGHT FOR YOU”, it’s not as if the outcome is in doubt.   ALMIGHTY GOD doesn’t need rest, HE doesn’t need to eat to keep up HIS strength, HE is so far above what we give HIM credit for that HE can “move mountains”, if need be, for HIS Glory.  

The children of Israel were extremely FEARFUL because they couldn’t see a way out.  The Egyptians were closing in on them and Moses (by following THE CLOUD) had led them to a place where they were entrapped!  Moses told the Israelites, "FEAR NOT, stand firm, and see the salvation of the LORD, which he will work for you today”.  Now Moses didn’t KNOW exactly how GOD was going to get them out of the predicament they faced, but GOD had already told him where he was going (Promised Land, not the bottom of the Red Sea!  

There are times when I am facing the enemy and I have to remind myself of what ALMIGHTY GOD has Promised me.  Just like GOD delivered the Israelites from all of the plagues HE sent to the unbelievers, HE has brought me through some pretty hairy spots in my life.  GOD has placed a PROMISED LAND vision on my heart, and HE isn’t going to let Pharaoh or the Red Sea deter HIS Plan!  Sometimes I just need to BE SILENT and let “THE LORD WILL FIGHT FOR YOU” overcome my enemies!  HE IS ABLE!!!

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