Friday, February 1, 2019


Proverbs 13:4                                  (ESV)
“The “SOUL OF THE SLUGGARD” craves and gets nothing, while the SOUL OF THE DILIGENT is richly supplied.”

While my personal Bible Study time is something that has grown over the past few years in volume and intensity, recently it has become what I imagine those who are or have been addicted to something, almost controlling my life!  It became a habit after awhile, but then, it got to where I “needed it” to get through my day!  Formerly, I was known as someone who would “get things done”, and usually it was what I “thought” was best?  I didn’t want to take time for GOD to direct my paths, for HE wasn’t operating on a timeline I thought was “quick enough”.  

The “SOUL OF THE SLUGGARD” is a lot like that.  He doesn’t want to allow GOD time to do things HIS WAY, probably because GOD requires that HE gets Glory for what HE does.  A dictionary defines SLUGGARD as “a habitually lazy person”.  When I wouldn’t WAIT ON THE LORD, I was basically saying that “I got this, LORD”!  It didn’t matter if it was what HE desired for my life, only that it happened quickly enough to not cause my plans to be interrupted.  

But as ALMIGHTY GOD has began slowing my life down to where HE can be Glorified, HE is showing me that I don’t need to be “doing for HIM”, only allowing HIM to use me for HIS Glory.  HE didn’t need the children of Israel to assist HIM in parting the Red Sea (Exodus 14:14), all they had to do was cross over when HE showed it was time!  Had they went before HE was ready, the waters would not have been moved.  The same way as if they had been tardy in their crossing.  They had to do it GOD’S WAY, on HIS TIMELINE!  

The “SOUL OF THE SLUGGARD” isn’t interested in Glorifying GOD, only about getting the task behind them and moving on to whatever is next.  The SOUL OF THE DILIGENT has a craving for GOD to do something MIRACULOUS in their life.  The enemy will no doubt continue attempting to tempt me with anything and everything to get me operating on the same level I used to function.  However, the closer I get to the LORD the more I can SEE my old ways of doing things resemble the “SOUL OF THE SLUGGARD”, and that is not for me!!!

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