Monday, February 4, 2019


John 4:39-43                                          (ESV)
“39 MANY SAMARITANS from that town believed in HIM because of the woman's testimony, "HE told me all that I ever did."
40 So when the Samaritans came to HIM, they asked HIM to stay with them, and HE stayed there two days.
41 And MANY more BELIEVED because “HIS WORD”.
42 They said to the woman, "It is no longer because of what you said that we believe, for we have heard for ourselves, and WE KNOW THAT THIS IS INDEED THE SAVIOR OF THE WORLD."
43 After the two days HE departed for Galilee.”

Trying to write a synopsis of John 4 in four to five paragraphs cannot be done, so I will have to only offer some highlights.  The SAMARITANS were not highly thought of people during this time, the three years of the earthly ministry of JESUS.  One modern day article explains using these words:  “The Samaritans were half-Jew, half-Gentile. The race came about after the Assyrian captivity of the northern kingdom of Israel in 721 B.C. Certain people from the nation of Israel stayed behind. These people intermarried with the Assyrians producing the Samaritans.”  John 4:9 says in part “....(For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans.) !  

But, thank GOD IN HEAVEN, JESUS didn’t just come to SAVE one bloodline, or race, of people!  HE came to die for MANY SAMARITANS as well!  Now I’m not sure exactly what bloodline I fail into?  Many doubt that a 6’6” tall 300 lb. man would be your typical Jewish parishioner.  However l there is one characteristic of the Samaritans that I do identify with, and that is “MANY more BELIEVED because “HIS WORD”.  

The “woman at the well” was a Samaritan. She was astonished that JESUS, a Jew, would even speak to her, let alone ask her for a drink of water.  Her lifestyle wasn’t indicative of a Believer, so why did JESUS waste HIS time with her?  GOD doesn’t operate on chance or coincidences.  JESUS might have been left alone with the “woman at the well” to prevent her from discussing her past with the public?  All I know is that her EYES were opened and she told her friends and neighbors and “MANY more BELIEVED because “HIS WORD”.  

“HIS WORD” can change hearts like nothing else known to man.  The discrimination that MANY SAMARITANS didn’t make any difference when their EYES were opened to SEE JESUS for WHO HE was.  They Believed because they heard “HIS WORD”, and we Believed because our EYES were opened and we Believed “HIS WORD”.  Why did GOD CHOOSE me to be one of the CHOSEN?  There is no explanation for GOD’s Grace.  All I can say is that I am Blessed that “HIS WORD” has changed my life and I pray many more BELIEVE because “HIS WORD”.  

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