Thursday, February 14, 2019


Psalms 87:1                      (KJV)

A few days ago as I was pretty deeply in the Spirit, I felt the leading to turn to Psalms 87 and begin to read.  After read the entire chapter (7 verses), I was almost ready to move on when something (?) made me copy the text to my Prayer List and then look the passage up in my Online Commentary.  How would ALMIGHTY GOD use unlevel, rock hard terrain for a FOUNDATION for anything???  After a couple of hours of mulling it over, the proverbial LIGHT finally came on!!!!

Building on a flat FOUNDATION “seems” to be the wisest thing, as everything seems to stay square and level.  But our Spiritual bodies are not physical and so they are made up of different things than the natural man.  Understanding that GOD, our CREATOR, has “CHOSEN what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; GOD chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong;” (1 Corinthians 1:27 ESV) can help us understand that HE operates a lot differently than we do.  

When GOD designed me, HE did so knowing my inner most thoughts and intentions (Proverbs).  HE knew that the most difficult things in my life would be used to shape and mold me into the person HE desired me be.  Going through the difficult, tumultuous times causes me to USUALLY seek HIS guidance and direction.  The forthcoming decisions, more than likely, wouldn’t be correctly made were it not for some of the “HOLY MOUNTAINS”!

The “HOLY MOUNTAINS” can cause me to SLOW DOWN, and sometimes alter my course to avoid danger ahead.  There are times, however, that I must experience the “HOLY MOUNTAINS” that GOD leads me through so that they will grow my FAITH in HIM, and to draw others to HIM!  No, I am MOST CERTAINLY NOT special, nor am I more HOLY than anyone else, but I am beginning to SEE that being USED by GOD ALMIGHTY is the most invigorating thing that I have ever experienced!  Nothing else comes close to matching the fulfillment GOD brings!  

When the CREATOR orchestrates “HOLY MOUNTAINS” in your life, don’t gripe and complain about how HE has left you alone with no way to get out of the situation you find yourself in.  Moses said in Exodus 14:13 (ESV) “Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the LORD, which HE will work for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall never see again.”  Now this was right before GOD parted the waters of the Red Sea!  The Wilderness Journey was just beginning, and the Children of Israel had to experience many more difficulties getting into the Promised Land, but the FOUNDATION was being laid for them to remember the “HOLY MOUNTAINS”, for GOD had shown HE was fighting for them!  

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