Wednesday, March 20, 2019


1 Peter1:17-21                                                (ESV)
“17 And if you call on HIM as FATHER WHO judges impartially according to each one's deeds, CONDUCT YOURSELVES WITH FEAR throughout the time of your exile,
18 knowing that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your forefathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold,
19 but with the precious blood of CHRIST, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot.
20 HE was foreknown “BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD” but was made manifest in the last times for the sake of you
21 who through him are believers in GOD, who raised HIM from the dead and gave HIM Glory, so that your faith and hope are in GOD.”

Most of us have a MAJOR CRISIS that has happened in our lives where there is no earthly explanation for how we made it through our dilemma.  Many are aware of the Brain Hemorrhage I experienced on July 09, 2007.   It would be easy for the Doctors assigned to deal with my case to claim that their knowledge and medical training sure helped them, AND ME, while I was hospitalized for 52 days.  However, my medical records from September 25, 2007 tell the actual story.  They say “However, he has had a remarkable recovery that can only be defined as a miracle from God.  He is walking without assistance.  He is speaking normally and eating well.”

Doctors are used by ALMIGHTY GOD to oversee some miraculous events.  They are also assigned to oversee situations where they not as successful.  My little sister was diagnosed with Gastric Carcinoma (Stomach Cancer) on October 25, 1996.  She died on December 26, 1996!  GOD used a brutal disease to usher her into Heaven, just as HE used a Brain Hemorrhage to draw honor and glory to HIM in 2007.  The doctors had no idea what caused my Brain Hemorrhage, other than being overweight and treated for hypertension, but why do some grossly overweight (500+ pounds!) people have blood pressure below 120/80, without medication???  

My thoughts were directed this morning while watching a documentary entitled “American Gospel: Christ Alone”.  Rev. Matt Chandler, a Brain Cancer survivor himself, and others were explaining that the entire Bible is about GOD Glorifying HIMSELF, NOT ONLY ABOUT GOD MEETING OUR NEEDS!!!  Sure, GOD meeting our needs is used to Glorify HIS Name, but “GOD IS NOT A SUPPORTING ACTOR IN MY LIFE MOVIE!”, according to Dr. Michael Horton.  “I have been cast as a player in HIS unfolding story of redemption!”  Skewing the focal point of where the Glory should go violates the FIRST COMMANDMENT!  

We should be honored that our CREATOR is using us to have a small part in HIS Divine production of LIFE.  Instead, we act as though we are the lead character and everything is about us?  There is NO ROOM for co-stars in our lives.  Either we surrender our starring role to our MAKER, or we can try making everything about us?  JESUS CHRIST and ALMIGHTY GOD is the star of our show and we have a very small part that lasts only a few years, at best.  We are called a simply REFLECT HIS Love into the darkness of this world.   

ALMIGHTY GOD knew “BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD” that JESUS would have to be sacrificed for the sins of all mankind.  HE created us anyway!  When we act as though we are god, we are attempting to elevate ourselves beyond our abilities to function.  None of us are capable of managing a nation, let alone the entire world and the future of it!  We can only TRUST the ONE WHO was on HIS Throne “BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD”, for HE ALONE IS WORTHY!!!

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