Monday, March 4, 2019


Psalms 37:1-4                             (ESV)
“1 Fret not yourself because of evildoers; be not envious of wrongdoers! 
2 For they will soon fade like the grass and wither like the green herb. 
3 Trust in the LORD, and do good; dwell in the land and “BEFRIEND FAITHFULNESS”. 
4 Delight yourself in the LORD, and HE will give you the desires of your heart.”

While I was searching this morning to SEE where ALMIGHTY GOD was directing my paths (Proverbs 3:5-7), I came across this study on the website of

“The life of faith involves the miracle of seeing above your circumstances....

Have we confused American prosperity to be the norm of present Christian existence? Have we let all the good things that this world can give us blind us to the more important things that it can’t?

Maybe. But the psalms won’t let us go. They just won’t, especially Psalm 37.”

GOD has been working my life, similar to a farmer working the soil where HE is preparing to plant a crop.  HE has been adding fertilizer and minerals to the soil in an attempt to create a growing environment that HE can use for HIS Glory.   

My grandfather was a Master Gardener, not because he earned a degree from institutes of “this world”, but the EVIDENCE was made manifest by results every harvest!  One of the most painful things that I experienced was most mornings I had to “collect” cow manure onto a pile in the barnyard to be used as fertilizer when the crops needed it.  From experience he knew when the fertilizer would be best applied to the soil to reap the greatest rewards.  Very few times he was wrong because he seemingly always had a good harvest.

GOD has a far better understanding of when to apply fertilizer and minerals to apply fertilizer and minerals to our lives to produce bunker crops for HIS Glory!  Although we may not totally understand how placing the waste of a cow into the soils we use to grow our food, GOD can use anything for HIS Glory and purpose.  Far too many times in my life I have been guilty of being in TOO BIG OF A HURRY to even read an entire Bible Study.  GOD had to display that in my life this morning as I was attempting to “speed read” the devotional above in order to get through.  Until I grasped that GOD isn’t moved by my impatience and worldly tendencies, HE just keeps on making me collecting HIS manure for HIS Glory!

When I finally learn to “BEFRIEND FAITHFULNESS”, waiting on ALMIGHTY GOD to provide my needs, maybe I can continue my manure collecting, and allow GOD to be the ONE to make everything grow!!!

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