Friday, March 22, 2019


Psalms 147:3-5                                                (ESV)
“3 HE heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. 
4 HE determines the number of the stars; HE gives to all of them their names. 
5 “GREAT IS OUR LORD”, and abundant in power; HIS understanding is beyond measure.”

Lately it seems I have been writing a lot about the Brain Hemorrhage I experienced in July 2007.  Please don’t get the wrong impression, I do NOT Glory in being where I found myself to be, but I will NEVER allow the lessons learned to be minimized for fear of offending people.  Teaching me sometimes isn’t the easiest thing to accomplish, but ALMIGHTY GOD didn’t even break a sweat when it came to bringing me through the valley of the shadow of death.  HE is so capable, and I am not!  

Lately I have been writing on the theme of how we seem to have the mindset that the entire world revolves around the events that we have in our lives.  There are currently approximately 7.7 BILLION people in the world according to  ALMIGHTY GOD is so vast that HE knows the number of hairs on each head (Luke 12:7)!  HE isn’t caught off guard by the happenings of this world and HE isn’t surprised by my lack of obedience and FAITH!  As a matter of fact, GOD is constantly moving me towards perfecting my obedience and FAITH for HIS Glory.  

While driving home from the hospital one evening in w2007, my wife tells about hearing a song, I believe sung by Twila Paris, entitled GOD IS IN CONTROL.  She says that she received PEACE when realizing that GOD had EVERYTHING in HIS HANDS!  Just as ALMIGHTY GOD was IN CONTROL when my brain developed a leak, HE remains IN CONTROL today.  HE doesn’t relinquish HIS CONTROL to anyone, even when we think we are defying HIS Sovereignty!  In Exodus HE caused the Israelites to GO BACKWARDS (Exodus 14:2) and gave the appearance that they were “wandering in the land”!  Of course,Scripture records that the enemy of GOD was introduced to the bottom of the Red Sea later in Exodus 14.  

Another translation of Psalms 147:5 says “GREAT IS OUR LORD” and HE is STRONG IN HIS POWER and THERE IS NO END to HIS understanding.”  Our limited vision cannot grasp the magnitude of GOD’s POWER.  JESUS HIMSELF said in Matthew 19:26, “With man this is impossible, but with GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE."  My tendency is to say that something cannot be accomplished, but with GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!  HE can heal a Brain Hemorrhage after a seventeen day coma, and there is NO END to what HE can do!  “GREAT IS OUR LORD”!!!

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