Thursday, March 21, 2019


Hebrews 13:20-21                                                  (ESV)
“20 Now may the GOD of peace who brought again from the dead our LORD JESUS, the great SHEPHERD of the sheep, by the blood of THE ETERNAL COVENANT,
21 equip you with everything good THAT YOU MAY DO “HIS WILL”, working in us that which is pleasing in HIS sight, through JESUS CHRIST, to WHOM be glory forever and ever. Amen.”

As I ponder the journey I am taking that is called MY LIFE, I am humbled to know that ALMIGHTY GOD has chosen to reflect HIS LOVE through the prism of my life.  Hardly is there a day that goes by that I do not think about WHY HE not only CREATED me, but has kept me here for 58 plus years, sometimes having to MIRACULOUSLY intervene to get me through various situations.  Recently viewing a documentary called “American Gospel: Christ Alone”, it has been brought to the forefront of my mind that I have to be careful NOT TO allow myself to confuse my wishes for “HIS WILL”!

When we are trying to KNOW GOD’s purpose for our lives, we have to be extremely careful NOT TO interject our own emotions and dreams to cloud our vision of where “HIS WILL” is leading us.  Knowing that my wishes and desires usually lead me through valleys of despair, I should be more cautious when I am about to follow every whim and notion that pops into my head!  But Numbers 23:19 says “GOD is NOT MAN, that HE should lie, or a son of man, that HE should change HIS mind. Has HE said, and will HE not do it?  Or has HE spoken, and will HE not fulfill it?”  If GOD has said something, HE WILL DO IT, it just is probably not going to be on my timetable.  “HIS WILL” doesn’t have to make sense.  As a matter of fact, FAITH doesn’t require anything making sense at all!  It does, however, require us TRUSTING IN HIM for our next step in life, even when the next step appears to be into a fiery furnace! 

Serving GOD ALMIGHTY doesn’t require us following a “seven-step plan” that this world has approved.  For me, I don’t want to settle for what man believes is the best way of being successful and then letting someone write a book about how I “made it”.  2 Thessalonians 1:11-12 says “To this end we always pray for you, that our GOD may make you worthy of HIS calling and may fulfill every resolve for good and every work OF FAITH by HIS power, so that the name of our LORD JESUS may be glorified in you, and you in HIM, ACCORDING TO THE GRACE of our GOD and the LORD JESUS CHRIST.”  We should be longing to find “HIS WILL” for our lives, excited about being used to be a role-player in HIS magnificent Plan to Glorify HIMSELF!

“HIS WILL” doesn’t indicate that our paths will always be the proverbial bed of roses.  

“HIS WILL” may lead us through the valley of the shadow of death, but HE is there to guide us and protect us as we serve HIM, or HE will be there to guide us home!  Either way, we are winners because JESUS CHRIST has already won the war.  We don’t deserve HIS goodness and mercy, but HIS Grace is sufficient for everyone who is CALLED to Believe.  Making certain that I remain in “HIS WILL” is vital for my Spiritual wellbeing, my inner PEACE, and avoiding the pitfalls of the enemy.  

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