Monday, March 18, 2019


Luke 5:12-16                               (ESV)
“12 While HE was in one of the cities, there came a man full of leprosy. And when he saw JESUS, he fell on his face and begged him, "LORD, if YOU will, YOU can make me clean."
13 And JESUS stretched out HIS hand and touched him, saying, "I will; be clean." And immediately the leprosy left him.
14 And HE charged him to tell no one, but "go and show yourself to the priest, and make an offering for your cleansing, as Moses commanded, for a proof to them."
15 But now even more the report about HIM went abroad, and great crowds gathered to hear HIM and to be healed of their infirmities.
16 But “HE WOULD WITHDRAW” to desolate places and pray.”

Many times in my life I have been caught up in what I thought was helping others and would allow my focus to become the act of helping instead of worshipping ALMIGHTY GOD!   JESUS knew better than to get caught up in what others thought about the miracles HE performed, so “HE WOULD WITHDRAW” to a quiet place and pray! 

When we begin to look at what “we have done” instead of what GOD has done through us, perhaps we need to WITHDRAW and pray???  JESUS didn’t admire the miracles that HE performed.  No, “HE WOULD WITHDRAW” from having HIMSELF glorified and would instead focus on THE FATHER being Glorified!  

Perhaps I could learn a lesson from this and be more willing to WITHDRAW and let GOD receive Glory rather than man???  

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