Wednesday, March 6, 2019


Matthew 6:5-6                                           (ESV)
“5 "And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward.
6 But when you pray, go into YOUR ROOM and “SHUT THE DOOR” and pray to your FATHER WHO IS IN SECRET. And your FATHER WHO sees in secret will reward you.”

Imagine if you will a greater Honor and Privilege than praying to our FATHER, GOD OF THE UNIVERSES, and having unfettered access to HIM at anytime?  It’s not as if we have to schedule an appointment with HIM, allowing HIM to clear HIS calendar to make time for us.  GOD ALMIGHTY allows us to bring our cares to HIM at any time, especially when we recognize that we cannot properly function without HIS Guidance and leadership in our lives.  

It seems very astute that when JESUS was instructing us on how to approach ALMIGHTY GOD that HE said to go into YOUR ROOM and “SHUT THE DOOR”, presumably blocking out all interference from “this world” and establishing that HE was the most important Person in our lives?  Of course, JESUS knew what we didn’t, and that was ALMIGHTY GOD was providing the very air that we breathe and we were simply tools to draw HIM Glory!  

Why then are we so set on doing what we want to glorify ourselves instead of Glorifying GOD?  The enemy causes us to have a predisposition to having praise directed towards us, instead of GOD, and doing it so stealthily that we don’t even recognize him!  When we go into our closet and “SHUT THE DOOR” we have a lot better opportunity to elevate GOD, and debase ourselves, therefore placing us where we really are before ALMIGHTY GOD.  Until we “SHUT THE DOOR” our focus is in danger of remaining on self, and that is where we get into trouble!  

When JESUS was hanging on Calvary’s cross (Mathew 27:50-51) the temple veil was torn from top to bottom, signifying that is was Divinely removed.  No longer do we require a Chief Priest to enter the HOLY of HOLY’s for us, but we can approach GOD, through JESUS, and “commune” with HIM.  Knowing that JESUS instructs us to “go into YOUR ROOM and “SHUT THE DOOR”” should not be forgotten.  It cost HIM a great price, and we should be reverent when accessing the THRONE.  

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