Friday, March 8, 2019


Psalms 119:11-16                                     (KJV)
11 “THY WORD” have I hid in mine heart, that I MIGHT NOT SIN against THEE.
12 Blessed art THOU, O LORD: teach me THY statutes.
13 With my lips have I declared all the judgments of THY mouth.
14 I have rejoiced in the way of THY testimonies, as much as in all riches.
15 I will MEDITATE in THY precepts, and have respect unto thy ways.
16 I will delight myself in THY statutes: I will not forget “THY WORD”.”

The current society we live in, as a whole, is so disconnected from ALMIGHTY GOD and HIS precepts that we can have no direction on how to act according to HIS WORD, nor how to avoid the pitfalls of the enemy.  The only deterrent that anyone can blame is ourselves.   We CHOOSE to read the newspaper, or watch the television news, engage in Social Media, rather than immerse ourselves in GOD’s WORD and ultimately changing our lives for HIS GLORY.  

As I was growing up, I envisioned myself memorizing Scripture and quoting it when the enemy would tempt me to follow his paths.  That is not how reality has unfolded in my life though.  Nowadays I just recall certain verses out of using them so frequently that they are a part of my fabric, something that I was unaware that I had in my proverbial pocket.  You know when you discover a dollar in a pocket of a jacket you are wearing that you were totally oblivious to?  That is how GOD typically reveals “THY WORD” to me, amazingly enough.   

The only part that I am ashamed of is that the closer I get to “THY WORD”, the more I discover how unworthy I am as I reflect on HIS WORD.  My only HOPE is that “I will MEDITATE in THY precepts, and have respect unto thy ways.  I will delight myself in THY statutes: I will not forget “THY WORD”.”  Maybe GOD will Supernaturally do a work in my life that can only be credited to “THY WORD” being hid in my heart?  HE is that good to me!!!

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