Monday, December 2, 2019


Romans 12:3                                                       (ESV)
“3 For by the “GRACE GIVEN TO ME” I say to everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the MEASURE OF FAITH THAT GOD HAS ASSIGNED.”

YIELDING in traffic can be a dangerous thing if it is done improperly.  At the risk of oversimplifying things, when someone YIELDS the right of way, they give up their option to proceed and allow others to go first.  Although they right of way might have been theirs, YIELDING may have proven to be the best solution at the time.  

Each of us has been a given a MEASURE OF FAITH THAT GOD HAS ASSIGNED.   In my life, GOD has used several “failures” on my part to grow my FAITH in HIM, admitting that HE IS IN CONTROL and I am NOT!  It can be tempting, at times, to elevate ourselves to a “pedestal” after going through a test or trial.  But Scripture states that it is solely by the “GRACE GIVEN TO ME” that I am where I am, an not because I am more Holy than others! 

The letter to the church at Rome was written by the Apostle Paul.  Paul also wrote both letters to Timothy.  In the 15th verse of chapter one of the first letter to Timothy he wrote “The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I AM THE FOREMOST”, or other translations say CHIEF!  

While some see Paul as one of the most dedicated followers of JESUS in recorded history, Paul saw himself as the CHIEF OF SINNERS!  When “we” begin to SEE ourselves as JESUS sees us, the opinions of our worth is greatly diminished.  GOD gives us GRACE and increases our FAITH, so why should we think we are better than those who cannot SEE?  The “GRACE GIVEN TO ME” is certainly not deserved, for I would argue with Paul about who is the CHIEF OF SINNERS!!!

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