Thursday, July 9, 2020


Psalms 46:10                                          (ESV)
“"BE STILL”, and know that I am GOD. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!"”

Today is filled with emotions for me.  Thirteen years ago RIGHT NOW I was in the emergency room of a local hospital with a problem.  A “massive brain hemorrhage” was the diagnosis that has dramatically changed my life.   The biggest change has been SLOWING DOWN my mind and listening to the SPIRIT OF GOD to LEAD me in the paths HE would have me travel.  

But to “BE STILL” isn’t enough for me any longer.  KNOWING that HE IS GOD and desires a relationship with me is almost more than I can comprehend.  Knowing that HE HAS A PLAN for me, a poor country boy with only a high school education, is hard to fathom.  The CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSES has PLANS for me, even though I am the least worthy of all, in my opinion.  

Fifty-two days hospitalized followed the Hemorrhagic Stroke of 2007.  People find it hard to believe that my physical abilities seem to work so well after such a devastating injury.  But just having to “BE STILL” was only the beginning, I continue to KNOW THAT HE IS GOD with every breath I am BLESSED to take.  GOD works in ways that I would have never planned (Isaiah 55:8-9), but SEEing HIS Handiwork amazes me today like it never did before!  Just that I am able to “BE STILL”, and KNOW our CREATOR is the biggest Blessing of all!!!

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