Tuesday, July 7, 2020


Genesis 12:1-3                                    (ESV)
“1 Now the LORD said to Abram, "GO from YOUR country and YOUR kindred and YOUR father's house TO THE LAND that “I WILL SHOW YOU”.
2 And I WILL make of you a great nation, and I WILL bless you and make your name great, so that you WILL be a blessing.
3 I WILL bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I WILL curse, and in you ALL THE FAMILIES OF THE EARTH SHALL BE BLESSED."”

Recently I asked a friend to write a testimony that he had shared with me a few years ago.  At the top of the page he wrote ONE STEP AT A TIME!  He tells about an experience he had years ago when he was struggling in business.  While trying to make it through a difficulty, he found himself on a pile of unfamiliar scrap metal, IN THE DARK, with only a dim flashlight operated by a friend, attempting to get a heavy object from the scrap pile.  Only a few days prior he had prayed that GOD would reveal whether he was on the right path or not.  His testimony is that GOD showed him that that TRUSTING GOD was a ONE STEP AT A TIME excursion.  We don’t need to know everything that will happen to FOLLOW our LORD!

Abram was instructed to GO “from” YOUR homeland, “from” YOUR family, and “from” YOUR place of comfort.  GOD wanted Abram to depend solely on HIM for his everything, to not be able to trust in anyone or anything but ALMIGHTY GOD!  THEN GOD promised HE WILL do tremendous things for Abram and his offspring.  GOD didn’t give Abram a roadmap with all of the upcoming pitfalls and trials to avoid, HE promised that “I WILL SHOW YOU” where you are to go and when you are to move!

My impatience with GOD is something that I am constantly having to overcome.  The desire TO KNOW where I am going and what I will be doing is a “thorn in my flesh” that I battle daily.  GOD wants us to TRUST in HIM, not just for “our daily bread”, but for every step that we take in life.  It appears that I am forever having to SLOW DOWN and WAIT ON THE LORD (Psalms 27:14)!

While I may not very often be on top of a pile of scrap metal, I do find myself in precarious situations at times and it seems as though the LIGHT is very dim.  When we find ourselves not knowing which way to go, it is not the time to take your best shot and hope for the best.  Instead, I need to develop a TRUST in GOD where I WAIT for HIM to open a path!  My prayer list has a quote from a Bible Study that says, “What you will have to do is OVERRIDE your flesh and your own impatience, and simply rely on GOD’s peace through the Holy Spirit and GOD’s perfect timing as to when HE will want to open up that door for you”.  “I WILL SHOW YOU” has to be something that I WAIT FOR, not that GOD just gives me when I think am ready!

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