Saturday, July 11, 2020


Psalms 25:1-5                                     (ESV)
“1 To you, O LORD, I lift up my soul. 
2 O my GOD, in you I TRUST; let me not be put to shame; let not my enemies exult over me. 
3 Indeed, “NONE WHO WAIT FOR YOU SHALL BE PUT TO SHAME”; they shall be ashamed who are wantonly treacherous. 
4 Make me to know YOUR ways, O LORD; teach me YOUR paths. 
5 Lead me in YOUR truth and teach me, for YOU are the GOD of my salvation; FOR YOU I WAIT all the day long.” 

This is one of those passage of Scriptures that would not let me alone.  Writing about this BRIEFLY earlier this week, I kept seeing it and was stirred by it to the point that I had to revisit it.  “O my GOD, in you I TRUST” is a statement that I want to make famous” along with “FOR YOU I WAIT all the day long.”  But the phrase that will not leave my heart is “NONE WHO WAIT FOR YOU SHALL BE PUT TO SHAME”!  

Waiting for a Christmas present used to cause me ANTICIPATION beyond description.  As I have matured the waiting for presents has diminished some, but the ANTICIPATION is still there, even though I will soon be 60 YEARS OLD!!!  The EXCITEMENT of receiving a gift can intensified when the gift is from someone you love. When that someone is very wealthy, the ANTICIPATION and EXCITEMENT becomes almost unbearable sometimes.  

When we Believe that ALMIGHTY GOD has a Plan to give us a present, the ANTICIPATION and EXCITEMENT can be difficult to explain.  You are EXCITED because HE is going to use you “...far more abundantly than all that we ask or think...”(Ephesians 3:20), but you also are aware that the enemy is going to do everything he can to thwart HIS Plan.  

There is a song by the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir entitled “Lead me LORD, I will follow!”  
(  The second verse begins with “YOUR Plans for me are perfect, I never need to fear. For though at times I feel alone, I know that you are near. My heart just wants to follow, I’m willing to obey, take my hand and lead me, I’ll follow all the way!”  That is my prayer for my life, that wherever HE leads, whatever HE has for me to do, that I will be exactly where HE needs me for HIS NAME to be Glorified!!!

Indeed, “NONE WHO WAIT FOR YOU SHALL BE PUT TO SHAME”, and I will not be the first!  “The enemy” will undoubtedly rear his ugly head, but he is a defeated foe by the ONE WHO lives in my heart!  As I approach another birthday, let it be said of me that “NONE WHO WAIT FOR YOU SHALL BE PUT TO SHAME” and you can read this in the BOOK!!!

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