Friday, July 31, 2020


Colossians 3:1-4                                   (ESV)
“1 If then you have been raised with CHRIST, seek the things that are above, where CHRIST is, seated at the right hand of GOD.
2 SET YOUR MINDS on things that are above, NOT ON THINGS THAT ARE ON EARTH.
3 For you have died, and “YOUR LIFE IS HIDDEN WITH CHRIST” in GOD.
4 When CHRIST WHO is your life appears, then you also will appear with HIM in glory.”

Going through a “haunted house” always irritates me, for I know someone is just trying to scare me with illusions, but my natural man is usually convinced by the unseen!  After exiting, laughter and relief are abundant as the danger has revealed itself to be an illusion, something that is NOT TRUTH!

Allowing THINGS THAT ARE ON EARTH to capture my mind is a weakness that I have that is almost shameful.  Having been DELIVERED from the valley of the shadow of death certainly more times than I deserve is something that I often let slip into a blank space in my mind.  Often I write about GOD having a Plan, but when HE starts moving things to accomplish HIS Plan in my life, I began to squeal with discomfort, all the while knowing that HE IS IN CONTROL, and I am NOT!  

If you SET YOUR MINDS on things that are above, why would you be worried about the THINGS THAT ARE ON EARTH?  But when the note is due at the bank, when a test at the doctors office raises concern, or when there is more month than there is money, keeping YOUR MINDS on things above can be a challenge!  

We must realize that “YOUR LIFE IS HIDDEN WITH CHRIST”, therefore HE is guiding us, much like GOD went before the Israelites crossing the Red Sea!  In Exodus 14:19 it is written “Then the ANGEL OF GOD WHO was going before the host of Israel MOVED and went behind them, and the pillar of cloud MOVED FROM BEFORE THEM and STOOD BEHIND THEM,”. The children of Israel were protected by their CREATOR just like we are when “YOUR LIFE IS HIDDEN WITH CHRIST”, despite their crying when the Egyptians made their presence known.  

Pledging to never do that again is easy.  When our enemy makes his presence known it can be almost reflexive to begin crying about our position in life.  OUR MINDS should be SET on things that are above, not on what the enemy trying to scare us with.  “YOUR LIFE IS HIDDEN WITH CHRIST” is not a ploy, rather a protection against anything that the enemy wants to do to you.  If he wants to scare you, he has to go through CHRIST, for “YOUR LIFE IS HIDDEN WITH CHRIST”!!!

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