Tuesday, July 14, 2020


John 17:22-24                                    (ESV)
“22 The GLORY that YOU have given ME I have given to them, that they may be one even as “WE ARE ONE”,
23 I in them and YOU in ME, that they may become perfectly ONE, so that the world may know that YOU sent ME and loved them even as YOU loved ME.
24 FATHER, I desire that they also, whom YOU have given ME, may be with ME where I am, to see MY glory that YOU have given ME because YOU loved ME before the foundation of the world.”

John 17:23 is often referred to by me to remind me and others that JESUS lives in me , and every other Believer.  So many are walking around defeated when they supposedly have THE CREATOR of the universes living inside of them.  How could anyone, especially one who writes about HIM daily, not live in total and complete victory?  

In the previous verse JESUS prays to the FATHER, “The GLORY that YOU have given ME I have given to them, that they may be one even as WE are ONE”!  JESUS CONFIRMS that as GOD is in HIM, HE is in us!  The same SPIRIT that spoke the worlds into existence declares that we who are CHOSEN be indwelled by HIM....and I have to be reminded of that???

Verse 24 clearly states that JESUS wants us to BE WITH HIM to see “MY glory that YOU have given ME”!  JESUS wants me to abide with HIM for eternity in PEACE and HARMONY forever and ever!  HE wants me to experience life to the fullest, not in health, wealth and prosperity, but in KNOWING my position in HIM!  

We ALL have desires and dreams, things that we would like to accomplish, with our lives.   JESUS wants us to grow into the knowledge and realization that “WE ARE ONE” with HE and the FATHER, thusly Glorifying HIMSELF!  There is NO WAY that I could ever be justified to enter eternity with JESUS, accept by GOD’s CHOOSING!  HIS unmerited LOVE, GRACE and MERCY is where my HOPE lies that “WE ARE ONE”!  

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