Saturday, May 7, 2022



Romans 6:20-23                         (ESV)

“[20] For when YOU WERE SLAVES of sin, you were free in regard to righteousness. [21] But what fruit were you getting at that time from the things of which you are now ashamed? For the end of those things is death. [22] But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of GOD, the fruit you get leads to sanctification and its end, eternal life. [23] For THE WAGES OF SIN is death, but the “FREE GIFT” of GOD is eternal life in CHRIST JESUS our LORD.”

Seeking to be “a success” is only attainable through being led and guided by THE CREATOR of THE UNIVERSES!  Mankind has a terrible unholy trait that is enunciated in Romans 3:23 where the Apostle Paul writes “for ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of GOD”!   JESUS, like only HE can, has CHOSEN (Matthew 22:14) a few of HIS CREATION to further HIS KINGDOM, not because we are better than others, but because we have DIED TO SELF (Luke 9:23) and welcome HIM to live inside of us!

A “FREE GIFT” isn’t something that you earn through great sacrifice.  The next chapter of Romans illustrates the “FREE GIFT” very astutely.  Romans 7:4 says “Likewise, my brothers, YOU ALSO HAVE DIED TO THE LAW through the body of CHRIST, so that you may belong to another, to HIM WHO has been raised from the dead, IN ORDER THAT WE MAY BEAR FRUIT FOR GOD.”  We are CHOSEN to die in order to BEAR FRUIT FOR GOD,.

My grandfather was a very successful gardener.  He was able to make things grow in the most difficult situations.  OUR CREATOR can GROW the vilest,ugliest, most inept beings to be USED to GLORIFY HIS NAME in the most miraculous ways imaginable!  It is ONLY through HIS “FREE GIFT” that anyone HE has CHOSEN can do what HIS PLAN is for them!!!

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