Monday, May 16, 2022


Isaiah 43:8-9                              (ESV)

    “[8] Bring out the people who are blind, yet have eyes,

        who are deaf, yet have ears! 

    [9] All the nations gather together,

        and the peoples assemble.

    Who among them can declare this,

        and show us the former things?

    Let them bring their witnesses to prove them right,

        and let them hear and say, It is true. 

   [10] “You are my witnesses,” declares the LORD,

        “and MY servant whom “I HAVE CHOSEN”,

    that you may know and believe ME

        and understand that I AM HE.

    Before ME no god was formed,

        nor shall there be any after ME.”


In my earlier days I considered that being a part of the “people who are blind” must be a frustrating situation, for you aren’t able to SEE the beauty you experience in life?  Equally frustrating must be having ears, yet not being able to hear the sounds of the society that we are placed?  Contemplating NOT BEING ABLE to hear a loved one saying that they loved you, or seeing them show you how much they care has to be almost debilitating!  

There are those who cannot SEE nor HEAR the things of GOD, they are unable to comprehend that THE CREATOR is longing to “abide in me” (John 15:4)!  The problem is that sometimes we have a preconceived notion of what we expect to SEE and HEAR from GOD that HE has adjust our EYESIGHT and HEARING to RECEIVE what HE is trying to get across to us?  

Not that GOD had no other options, but in July 2007 HE placed me in a coma for 17 days to get my attention.  Did I HEAR HIM immediately?  No, for I was operating at a pace that I “refused” to “BE STILL, AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD”!  Following my “recovery”, I began trying to get back in the same “rat-race” from which I had just been DELIVERED!  

It has taken almost 15 years since my brain developed a leak, something that was 80% fatal at the time.  My EYES and EARS have been OPENED to SEE and HEAR what THE SPIRIT is saying to me!  ALMIGHTY GOD, OUR CREATOR, is saying “I HAVE CHOSEN” you to serve ME, “that you may know and believe ME and understand that I AM HE”!

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