Thursday, May 26, 2022


 Isaiah 40:3-5                         (ESV)

    “[3] A voice cries:

    “In the wilderness prepare the way of the LORD;

        make straight in the desert a highway for our GOD. 

    [4] EVERY VALLEY shall be lifted up,

        and EVERY MOUNTAIN and hill be made low;

    the uneven ground shall become level,

        and the rough places a plain. 


        and ALL FLESH SHALL SEE it together,

        for the mouth of the LORD has spoken.””

Before the Brain Hemorrhage in 2007 I had the mentality of being a person who “made things happen”!  Sometimes those things turned out to be “good”, but sometimes the results weren’t what I desired.  There seem to ALWAYS be a harvest time for the seeds that we plant, it’s just that my focus wasn’t on the bad seeds that I HASTILY was sewing!  But when GOD “gently” caused my brain to leak on July 09, 2007, my thoughts were not driven as before, they were seemingly sporadic with no focus nor purpose???

A little more than five years later, after trying to get “back into the groove” for years, ALMIGHTY GOD led me to a place in life where HE changed my course!  The Brain Hemorrhage was huge, but getting me to the point where I was able to “BE STILL, AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD” was IN CONTROL of everything was a LIFE CHANGING event!!!  

EVERY VALLEY and EVERY MOUNTAIN shall be used as a TEACHING POINT in our lives is what I am SEEING almost 15 years later!  CREATION doesn’t center on my finite, Brain Damaged mind!  GOD has a PLAN, a FANTASTIC, DELIBERATE PLAN that we are NOT REQUIRED to understand nor comprehend!  One of the GREATEST BLESSINGS of HIS CREATION is that “THE GLORY OF THE LORD SHALL BE REVEALED” to us, and it is usually when we SLOW DOWN and recognize that our frail humanity is NOT part of the HOLINESS OF GOD! 

When JESUS CHRIST came to earth HE COMPLETED HIS PLAN to inhabit our bodies through the HOLY SPIRIT.  Understanding the intricacies of this process is beyond my current Brain Damaged mind, but that doesn’t make it any less REAL!  “THE GLORY OF THE LORD SHALL BE REVEALED” whether we are ready to HEAR or SEE IT!  GOD might have to place us in a coma to get us ready for what HE has PLANNED???  

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