Friday, June 17, 2022


 Psalm 46:10                          (KJV)

“”BE STILL”, and know that I am GOD: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.”

Be still and know that I am God.

The original Hebrew root of Be still

doesn't mean

"be quiet"; it means


go." That's very different, don't you

think? Let go and know that I am

God! Let go of trying to control your

spouse! Let go of your worry about

your finances! Let go of your

unforgiveness! Let go of your past! Let

go of what you can't control-and rest

in the knowledge that God is in


“This world” is becoming so complex with “busyness” that we seemingly don’t have time to “BE STILL” anymore?  I remember when I was growing up playing with a “top” that had to be spun so fast to keep it going. Instead of “BE STILL”, some translations say “CEASE STRIVING”, but a favorite translation of mine is “LET GO”!  

A short explanation about Psalm 46:10 was shared recently that expounded about “LET GO”.  It finishes with “Let go of what you can’t control—-and rest in the knowledge that GOD is in control!”  For someone who has been where I was TOTALLY OUT OF CONTROL, knowing that GOD had everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, well within HIS CONTROL has been made extremely evident!  Seventeen days of being in a drug-induced coma where you are unable to contemplate eating, drinking, bathing, sleeping, and basically LIVING enlightens your perspective.  

I am humbled to have been CHOSEN to sojourn this journey I have been assigned.  Few people have been in a coma period.  A seventeen day coma is very rare.  It does give me a perspective that I feel OBLIGATED to share with others, especially when “this world” is trying to accentuate “the need for speed”!  The words “BE STILL” aren’t written as a suggestion!  It is more like a prescription for our Souls!  “LET GO” of all of the cares of “this world” and realize that ALMIGHTY GOD IS IN CONTROL!  

It is true that I am only human, I am just a man (“One Day At A Time, Sweet JESUS), but I am led to share my experience of where I have been to possibly help others from experiencing similar trials.  “BE STILL” isn’t from a “how to be successful” manual, it is from our HOLY CREATOR WHO loves us!!  Are you moving too fast to hear HIM???

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