Wednesday, June 1, 2022


 Exodus 14:13-14                      (ESV (

“[13] And Moses said to the people, “”FEAR NOT, STAND FIRM”, and see THE SALVATION of the LORD, which HE WILL work for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall never see again. [14] The LORD will fight for you, and YOU HAVE ONLY TO BE SILENT.””

In Exodus 14:5-9 Pharaoh was having his mind (or heart in some translations) regarding Moses and the Children of Israel leaving Egypt.  The Children of Israel had been “enslaved” by the Egyptians for over 400 years and apparently they were not very confident about how to handle the FREEDOM GOD had orchestrated for them?  ALMIGHTY GOD had just “changed” the minds (or hearts) of the Egyptians to free them, now HE was changing the same minds (or hearts) to chase after the Children of Israel???  

From our perspective nearly 3,500 years later, the Children of Israel had NOTHING TO FEAR!  ALMIGHTY GOD exhibited WHO is in CONTROL and all we need to do is TRUST IN HIM!  Why do I then fail to acknowledge that the same ALMIGHTY GOD is STILL in CONTROL?  HE might be leading HIS CHILDREN through “a wilderness”, but HE is protecting them with THE PILLAR of CLOUD and FIRE (Exodus 13:21-22) “DID NOT depart from before the people”!!!

Since we KNOW according to John 17:23 that JESUS lives inside of us, and ALMIGHTY GOD and JESUS ARE ONE (John 10:30), it should be NO PROBLEM for us to ”FEAR NOT, STAND FIRM”!  Does this mean that “the enemy” will shrivel and withdraw because of WHO lives inside of us?  When we fail to elevate CHRIST in and through our lives, “the enemy” sees a weakness that he attempts to capitalize on.  My prayer is that I will ”FEAR NOT, STAND FIRM” and allow JESUS CHRIST to defeat “the enemy” for the whole world to SEE WHO JESUS is!!!

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