Monday, June 6, 2022


 John 10:14; 24-30                                         (ESV)

“[14] I am the GOOD SHEPHERD. I know MY own and MY own know ME,”

“[24] So the Jews gathered around HIM (JESUS) and said to HIM, “How long will YOU keep us in suspense? IF YOU ARE THE CHRIST, tell us plainly.” [25] JESUS answered them, “I TOLD YOU, and “YOU DO NOT BELIEVE”. The works that I do in MY FATHER’S NAME bear witness about ME, [26] but “YOU DO NOT BELIEVE” because YOU ARE NOT AMONG MY SHEEP. [27] My sheep hear MY voice, and I know them, and they follow ME. [28] I GIVE THEM ETERNAL LIFE, and THEY WILL NEVER PERISH, and no one will snatch them out of MY HAND. [29] MY FATHER, WHO has given them to ME, is greater than all, and NO ONE IS ABLE TO SNATCH THEM OUT OF THE FATHER”S HAND. [30] I and the FATHER are ONE.””

The Jews that were hearing from JESUS in the passage of Scripture above were NOT Believers in JESUS being GOD IN FLESH!  As a matter of fact, the Jews mentioned above had their own agenda and it did not include any poor carpenter telling them how they should be living their supposed “righteous” lives!  They were interested only in seeing their agenda fulfilled, NOT what this lowly carpenter had to say to them!

In Acts chapter nine, a known persecutor of THE WAY (Acts 9:2), Believers in JESUS CHRIST, was interrupted from doing his evil deeds by a “strange” occurrence, something that did NOT make any logical sense!  Saul was a Hebrew among the Hebrews, a Pharisee (Philippians 3:5), yet he was TOO BUSY with his own agenda, doing what he thought was the right thing!  What he “thought” had him on a road to eternal damnation!  He was “rescued” by JESUS OPENING THE EYES of his heart and changing his entire life!  

Saul, later known by his new name Paul, had a similarity with “the Jews” written about above, and that similarity was “YOU DO NOT BELIEVE”! The CHIEF difference in “the Jews” and Paul was that one (Paul) was CHOSEN OF GOD and “the Jews” were not!  Yes, Paul was of Jewish heritage, but when JESUS met him on the road to Damascus, his life was REGENERATED, made anew!  “The Jews” were identified by THE CHRIST as being “YOU DO NOT BELIEVE”, but Saul was renamed Paul and was shown “how much he must suffer for the sake of MY NAME”(Acts 9:16)!

Not ALL are CHOSEN to be apart of THE WAY, followers of JESUS CHRIST!  The ones who are left out have not their EYES OPENED to SEE the pure, undalturated TRUTH! JESUS told “the Jews” in John 10:25-26 “I TOLD YOU, and “YOU DO NOT BELIEVE”. The works that I do in MY FATHER’S NAME bear witness about ME, but “YOU DO NOT BELIEVE” because YOU ARE NOT AMONG MY SHEEP”!  Although JESUS said in Acts 9:16 about Saul to Ananias “For I will show him how much he MUST SUFFER for the sake of MY NAME”, we tend to try to NOT remember this verse!  We should ALWAYS remember that we ARE NOT part of the people of “YOU DO NOT BELIEVE”, and that ALMIGHTY GOD HAS OPENED OUR EYES!!!

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