Monday, June 13, 2022


 Lamentations 3:25-26                     (ESV)


        to the soul who seeks HIM. 

    [26] It is good that one should “WAIT” QUIETLY for the salvation of the LORD.”

THE LORD has many different ways to teach and grow HIS CHOSEN.  Some of them are LOUD and need very little SPIRITUAL MATURITY to grasp.  However as we continue to GROW in HIS GRACE, we SEE things differently than during our “youth”, before we were exposed to some of life’s experiences.  

In these two brief sentences of Scripture, we are treated to being instructed a couple of different times to “WAIT”!  The first let’s us know “The LORD IS GOOD TO THOSE WHO “WAIT” for HIM”!  Does this indicate that we will experience great wealth and property when we “WAIT” on THE LORD?  Seeing so many Scriptures that state “the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils” (1 Timothy 6:10) gives us clear guidance that we shouldn’t be consumed with temporal gain, but ETERNAL (2 Corinthians 4:18)!

The second guidance where “WAIT” is assigned to we who BELIEVE is we “should “WAIT” QUIETLY for the salvation of the LORD”!  In my selfish ways I tend to CRY OUT (Matthew 8:25) about the position I find myself when JESUS is living inside of me because of the SACRIFICIAL offering of HIS LIFE on Calvary?   When we FINALLY SEE that THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSES actually lives inside of our bodies, a WHOLE NEW REALITY is made known to us.  

As I progress through “this world” and closer to my FAITH becoming SIGHT (Hebrews 11), my prayer is that I am becoming more of a person who is willing to “WAIT” for THE LORD, and I will do it QUIETLY and not whining about what I am going through!  KNOWING that because of HIS loving SACRIFICE, we are able to go through our trials with HIM in our beings is something that I MUST remember when difficult times approach!  HE doesn’t PROMISE the road will be easy, but “LORD IS GOOD TO THOSE WHO “WAIT” for HIM”!!!

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