Friday, June 24, 2022


 Isaiah 65:24-25                        (ESV)


        while they are yet speaking I WILL HEAR. 

    [25] The wolf and the lamb shall graze together;

        the lion shall eat straw like the ox,

        and dust shall be the serpent’s food.

    They shall not hurt or destroy

        in all MY HOLY MOUNTAIN.”

    says the LORD.”

Yesterday I wrote that the LORD is “MY SALVATION”, but do I enjoy WAITING FOR THE LORD to ANSWER me when I am in a “tight spot”?  One of my biggest challenges in EVERYTHING I do is WAITING for the LORD to make HIS reply to a prayer in a way that “I WILL ANSWER” is unmistakable to me!  

When I initially observed these verses, I didn’t SEE anything that caused me to Believe that ALMIGHTY GOD was “speaking” to me!  But then I reread it and the words HOLY MOUNTAIN were SEEN in a manner that causes PEACE to flood my being.  “I WILL ANSWER” wasn’t just words in a Bible verse found while an answer to difficult questions was sought??  The words HOLY MOUNTAIN let me know that when GOD says “I WILL ANSWER”, it will be different than hearing from “normal” times.  “The wolf and the lamb shall graze together” IS NOT normal!  Hearing from THE CREATOR is different than “normal”!  

For me, a person who is Brain Damaged by “this world’s” estimations, KNOWING that ALMIGHTY GOD is ANSWERING isn’t something that I desire to take lightly!  If THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSES is taking time to speak to a “broken vessel” such as me, why would I SLOW DOWN and make sure that “I WILL ANSWER” is coming from ABOVE???  When I am “hurried” I have the tendency to accept whatever I hear, AUTHENTICATED or not!  To HEAR what “I WILL ANSWER” is saying to me, I normally have to “BE STILL, AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD”!  

WALKING IN THE SPIRIT isn’t “rocket-science”!  HEARING from HEAVEN is essential though, and knowing that “I WILL ANSWER” will MOST LIKELY come when I SLOW DOWN and LISTEN isn’t a secret, it is GODS WORD!  How many times do you hear about people who HEAR FROM GOD at an amusement park on a ride going super fast?  Just as the amusement park can be fun, spending time with GOD can be fulfilling!  “I WILL ANSWER” is having THE CREATOR guide and direct you.  If HE wants to SPEAK to me, I will SLOW DOWN and LISTEN for HIM!!!

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