Thursday, June 23, 2022


 Psalm 118:5-7; 21                      (ESV)

    “[5] Out of my distress I called on the LORD;

        the LORD answered me and set me free. 

    [6] THE LORD IS ON MY SIDE; I will not fear.

        What can man do to me? 

    [7] The LORD is on my side as my helper;

        I shall look in triumph on those who hate me.

    [21] I thank YOU that YOU have answered me

        and have become “MY SALVATION”.”

When we understand that THE LORD IS ON MY SIDE, it is very difficult to FEAR anything that “the enemy” tries to generate against us.  THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSES is guiding and directing our paths, so why should I worry about the situation?  We can experience traumatic events in life, but we understand WHO IS IN CONTROL and ALL CREATION responds to HIS WILL!

The devil and his demons only can do that which THE LORD allows.  Isaiah 46:8-11 contains the words that “MY counsel SHALL STAND, and I WILL ACCOMPLISH ALL MY PURPOSE”!  In Psalm 23:4 David writes “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for YOU are with me; YOUR rod and YOUR staff, they comfort me”!  When we experience times that are seemingly more than we are able to bear, that could be GOD displaying that HE IS THE ONLY WAY OUT?!?

In Exodus 14 the Children of Israel were being led by a Pillar of Cloud by day and a Pillar of Fire by night.  When they came to the Res Sea, they had to WAIT ON THE LORD for days!  They were trying to get away from the most powerful army known to mankind at the time, but GOD had a PLAN!  The army of Egyptians were buried at the bottom of the Red Sea and “not one of them remained” (Exodus 14:28)!  It is easy to NOT REMEMBER that the Children of Israel were “encamped” WAITING for the time when GOD WOULD BE GLORIFIED!!!

In my Brain Damaged mind, I must always REMEMBER that THE LORD IS ON MY SIDE and HE IS “MY SALVATION”!!!  THE CREATOR dwells in me (John 17:23) and will NEVER leave me!  HE is “MY SALVATION” and that should make me calm, BOLD, and confident that everything has HIS blessing!!!

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