Monday, June 5, 2023


 Mark 13:22-23                    (ESV)

“[22] For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform signs and wonders, TO LEAD ASTRAY, if possible, the elect. [23] But “BE ON GUARD”; I have told you all things beforehand.”

Almost the entire chapter of Mark 13 is written in red letters, indicating that the WORD was spoken by JESUS, the CHRIST!   Whenever I see red letters in Scripture, I pay attention because I feel as though JESUS HIMSELF is speaking directly to me.  

The television in our house isn’t used as much as it previously was.  I used to have it turned on listening to a news channel that claimed to be the source of TRUTH, but when I started listening more to THE TRUTH the “fake news” will NOT satisfy!  Therefore I don’t listen to it anymore and I try to listen to THE REAL TRUTH!  

Listening to “counterfeit” sources of “this world” will not satisfy when you have been exposed to TRUTH!  We need to “BE ON GUARD” to being exposed to the lies that come from “the enemy” and know where it is coming from!  The devil is a liar and what he is trying to accomplish is to LEAD US ASTRAY.  When we listen to TRUTH we are more apt to follow HIS ways and do HIS WILL!  

“BE ON GUARD” that you are not listening to lies, but the listening to TRUTH…..that is JESUS CHRIST!!!

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