Friday, June 16, 2023


 John 11:35                            (ESV)


For many, John 11:35 is known only as the shortest verse of the BIBLE.   I’m sure that the fact that “JESUS WEPT” wasn’t shocking to those surrounding HIM. John 11:33 says “When JESUS saw her (Mary) weeping, and the Jews who had come with her also weeping, HE was deeply moved in HIS SPIRIT and greatly troubled”!  Since JESUS was “deeply moved” and “greatly troubled”, the fact that “JESUS WEPT” only a couple of verses later should not be alarming?  

Why was JESUS so moved that HE would weep with those in HIS midst following the death announcement of Lazarus?  Lazarus was the brother of Mary and Martha, who were devoted followers of JESUS, and his departure certainly left them devastated!  JESUS could have been so grieved that some of HIS closest followers had their EYES on their current situation and that they were NOT able to SEE WHO was in charge of LIFE?  JESUS had demonstrated that HE was GOD many times, but even HIS closest followers were unable to SEE that HE could “overcome” death, hell, and the grave!!

Am I any better than Mary and Martha?  I KNOW that death cannot visit unless GOD ALMIGHTY orchestrates and ordains it!  July 2007 will forever be a reminder that GOD IS IN CONTROL!!!  Could it be that “JESUS WEPT” because HIS followers did not TRUST HIM enough?  Do I TRUST HIM ENOUGH???  Is “JESUS WEPT” still occurring today because of my limited vision????

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