Monday, June 12, 2023


 Luke 24:50-53                       (ESV)

The Ascension

“[50] And “HE LED THEM” out as far as Bethany, and lifting up HIS hands HE blessed them. [51] While HE blessed them, HE parted from them and was carried up into heaven. [52] And they worshiped HIM and returned to Jerusalem with great joy, [53] and were continually in the temple blessing GOD.”

The Ascension of the physical body of JESUS into Heaven is recorded in the book of Luke in four simple verses.   THE LORD and HIS disciples left Jerusalem that day and went just east of the Mount of Olives to Bethany, “a designated place for the sick and those with contagious diseases”, according to some.  

Why didn’t JESUS lead HIS disciples to a place of grandeur and prosperity?  One would think HIS disciples might remember this place as the final place JESUS was seen on earth?  

JESUS CHRIST came to earth to save we who are sick and those with contagious diseases.  In HIS final act of obedience, “HE LED THEM” to a place of servant hood, not of celebrating HIS victory over death!  Yes, because of HIS victory we are able to be FREE from death, hell and the grave, but HIS disciples needed to know that “HE LED THEM” to minister to the sick, NOT just to glory in HIS victory!

We need to remember that “HE LED THEM” to Bethany, not to Jerusalem, to minister to “a designated place for the sick and those with contagious diseases” just before HE ascended to Heaven!  Am I following HIM to Bethany???

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