Saturday, June 3, 2023


Psalm 31:14-15                                 (ESV)

    “[14] But I TRUST in YOU, O LORD;

        I say, “YOU ARE MY GOD.” 

    [15] My times are in YOUR hand;

        rescue me from the hand of my enemies and from my persecutors!”

Hearing from others how we need to give GOD more time to work things out lends to the notion that we are the ones in CONTROL, that we are better prepared to decide what is best for our lives???  Even when we were formed in our mother’s womb ( Jeremiah 1:5, Psalm 139:13-18) GOD was in CONTROL.  

“The enemy” loves to cloud our vision with “the lie” that we are the ones that are making decisions about our future.  In 2007 I had plans that I would begin a foundation for helping underprivileged youth get out of the rut of poverty and become successful.  The plan was to start the efforts on July 09, 2007.  That morning I awoke at 5:30 AM to go to the bathroom with a Brain Hemorrhage.  

GOD never inquired of me for my opinion.  My lesson was that “YOU ARE MY GOD” and I AM NOT!  HE desires for ALL OF US to TRUST in HIM for everything, not just when we get in a bind.  About three weeks later I was brought out of a seventeen day coma that I wasn’t consulted about beforehand.  Sixteen years later I still have to be reminded that “YOU ARE MY GOD” is in CONTROL, not me!  

“YOU ARE MY GOD” is our dearest FRIEND (John 15:13-15), so why don’t we TRUST HIM freely rather than being placed in a coma???

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